To welcome New Year thirty two brave hearts take midnight dip in ice-cold water

Thirty two brave hearts from the city, including five ladies welcomed the New Year by plunging into the ice water at Crinoline Swimming Pool, here when the clock struck 12 on December 31. For the last 26 years, Forever Young Sports Club has been organizing the midnight dip ritual for a healthy body and mind. In fact along with the midnight dip for over 10 minutes, they prayed to get strength to meet the challenges ahead as many spectators cheered them. The youngest swimmer was 18-year-old and the oldest was none other than Michael Syiem (68), the president of the Club.

In reality seven tonnes of ice blocks (140 pieces) were added to the cold water for more chill. Last year it was six tonnes and the participants were 28. Actually the advice was that the participants should not take any intoxicants before the dip which was ritually followed by them. Syiem also said that the minimum temperature varied from 3 degree Celsius to 4 as they carried out the ritual.

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