Repair work on Umiam Bridge is under way and is likely to go on for some more months

Recently the repair work on the crucial Umiam Bridge is under way and is likely to go on for some more months, but despite directives and deployment of personnel to regulate traffic, there seems to be no respite from traffic jams. In fact vehicles are often seen stuck on the stretch for more than an hour due the ongoing repairing of the bridge. Despite officially being directed to refrain from overtaking on the bridge, many vehicles actually continue to overtake others further compounding the situation.

Today different types of construction in Meghalaya are going on and it will help the people by giving them different facility. But in reality different type of problem came to people while the construction work is going on and for this thing it became the need of people to maintain discipline and follow rules so that in future they get a better system.  If you see this construction work is very important and these things are mainly done for the betterment of people.

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