Sore tongue, pain can also be a cause of danger, what symptoms should you go to the doctor?

Even a small sore on the tongue can be dangerous. Research by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) says that if tongue soreness, burning, or pain persists day after day, then one must be careful. Many people are suffering from oral cavity cancer in this country. Cancer of the larynx and esophagus also occurs. Excessive consumption of gutkha, panmasala, or tobacco can cause tongue cancer. But there are other reasons.

If you keep paan-jorda or paan masala in your mouth for a long time or chew it, the risk of getting cancer increases. Apart from that, there is tobacco or tobacco products. Mouth cancer can also be caused by cigarettes, bidi, gutkha, khaini, and jorda. Even if you eat stale or unhealthy food for a long time, the risk of this type of cancer increases. Doctors say that mouth cancer can be eliminated if it is caught in its early stages. 70–80% of patients get better with surgery and radiotherapy.

What symptoms should go to the doctor?
1) The main symptom of this disease is sores on the face for many days. If the sore does not heal in any way, be careful.
2) If there is a red or white lining in the oral cavity and a lump forms, be careful. If it is seen that the wound is growing and the wound site and its surrounding area are hardening, then it is not advisable to delay.

3) In cases of bleeding from the mouth, sores, or a or a bad smell coming out of the mouth, one should go to the doctor.

4) Many times it is seen that there are small sores on the tongue, and the teeth are also moving. Bleeding while brushing teeth.

5) Difficulty eating food, difficulty swallowing, frequent coughing, and coughing up blood should be considered.

Doctors say that if you have the habit of regularly smoking tobacco, tobacco products, or betel nuts, you should check your face regularly. If you see any symptoms, you should go to the doctor. If necessary, you should give up your addiction. This type of cancer is mainly treated with surgery.Sometimes, radiotherapy is needed. And chemotherapy, if absolutely necessary.