some everyday habits that can help you fall asleep quickly.

Do you struggle to get a good night’s sleep.the certain habits that interfere with our sleep routine.  The way we unwind can make a huge difference in how we sleep.

 For instance, watching an action-packed movie can over-activate your mind instead of slowing it down. On the other hand, reading a book or taking shower is far more relaxing than scrolling through your mobile phone. It is also important to hit bed nearly same time every day to train our body clock.So, get up and engage in some exercise in the first half of the day.Sleep deprivation CAUSES –

Here a few everyday habits as per that can improve your sleep quality:1. same time every day go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. By this makes it easier to fall asleep and wake up.2. Spend at least an hour without using smartphones or laptops before going to bed.3. Make your bedroom cool, dark, quietThis can promote restful sleep and Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows.4. Regular exercise can help you fall asleep more quickly.

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