For wealthy lifestyle we have to pay high price

After a detailed study titled “The Great Carbon Divide” it is found that wealthy lifestyle have many bad effects in the world. The wealthy people are 1% of the world which makes 77 million people. It includes billionaires, millionaires and those paid more than US$140000 a year which makes 16% of all CO2 emission in 2019. This can create more than a million excess deaths due to heat.

People always see the luxury life style of rich people but they forget how much bad effect it has in this world. It is good that people want wealthy lifestyle but it is also important to take care of the world. People should not be selfish as everyone life matters and people should take care of the nature. In this fast world people are very busy in making money but they forget to take care their mother nature. Actually simple life is the best to live as it help everyone to live with peace.

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