W20-MAHE Women Vice Chancellors’ and Leaders’ Conclave” Unveiled at MAHE

The W20-MAHE Women Vice Chancellors’ and Leaders’ Conclave was inaugurated in Bengaluru on 26 May 2023. A Charter of Recommendations was presented to W20 calling for a shift from women’s development to women-led development. It focused on five themes: higher education, labour force participation, skill development, care work and leadership.

 These recommendations are important areas of intervention to mainstream progressive gender perspectives into development policies and practices.The event was graced by prominent leaders such as Vice Chancellor of TISS Prof Dr Shalini Bharat, Chair of W20, Ms Dharitri Patnaik, Chief Coordinator of W20, Ms Bharati Ghosh, Vice Chancellor of MAHE Lt Gen Dr M D Venkatesh, and Prof Madhu Veeraraghavan.

W20 is the official G20 engagement group focused on gender equity and its primary objective is to ensure that gender considerations are mainstreamed into G20 discussions and translated into the G20 Leaders’ Declaration. MAHE is a knowledge partner with W20. Prof Dr Madhu Veeraraghavan, Pro Vice Chancellor – MAHE Bengaluru, who addressed the gathering on ‘‘Gender justice and Higher Education – A MAHE Approach’ said, “Forums such as these are crucial to bring the underlying issues to light and smoothen the road for women.”

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