Unlocking ability of the Phenomenon of Catch-Up Growth

Childhood is a rapid period of growth, but delays can occur due to factors like inadequate nutrition, chronic illnesses, or environmental issues. Currently, 149 million stunted children below five exist globally, with India contributing to one-third of this burden. Catch-up growth is a crucial aspect of this process, and parents can play a crucial role in supporting their child’s growth journey. Understanding the causes and supporting catch-up growth can help children navigate their development and achieve their full potential. Dr. Shamik Ghosh, DCH, DNB, MRCP, MRCPCH, Bhagirathi Neotia Women & Child Care Centre adds, recommends parents of fussy eaters use oral nutrition supplements for a balanced diet. Engaging children in meal planning and cooking can increase their interest in eating. He stated “Make meals more appealing by using cookie cutters to create fun shapes with fruits and vegetables like apples and cucumbers, or serve a colorful variety of foods for breakfast and dinner.”

Malnutrition in children leads to stunted growth, necessitating additional calories, protein, and micronutrients. Encouraging physical activity and consuming nutritious foods is crucial for development, and nutritional intervention is vital for healthy growth. A healthcare physician should recommend a well-balanced diet with a variety of healthy foods and nutrients for children’s development, as it supports cognitive development and immune function. Follow these tips to ensure your child’s development with these healthy habits:

1. Begin by regularly monitoring your child’s growth, particularly for children aged 2 to 6 years. It is advisable to measure them every three months, and parents can opt to use tools such as a growth diary or tracker. Accurate measurement is crucial for understanding and tracking a child’s growth, detecting growth deficiencies early, and enabling parents to take immediate action to address the underlying causes.

2. A balanced diet, including cereals, pulses, milk, meat, fruits, and vegetables, is essential for holistic growth and healthy bone development in children, providing necessary protein, vitamins, and minerals.

3. To promote children’s physical well-being, establish a balanced play regimen, limit screen time, and encourage a ‘gadget-free’ day during holidays. Encouraging daily physical activity, such as swimming, running, skipping, walking, or dancing, is crucial for enhancing bone health and overall physical well-being.

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