An important milestone for the country was reached on January 1, 2025, when India’s first “Gen Beta” infant was born in Aizawl, Mizoram. The new generation, dubbed “Gen Beta,” which comprises children born after 2025, began with the boy, who was born at the Government Civil Hospital at 12:03 AM. Following the first birth of the year, a second baby boy was born at 12:35 AM at the Presbyterian Synod Hospital, located in the Durtlang neighborhood on the outskirts of the city. 36 babies were born between 3 PM on December 31 and 7 AM on January 1, according to Aizawl hospitals. But at about the same time, five fatalities were recorded, so the festivities were tainted by sadness.
The Civil Hospital also handled eleven patients who had been injured in car crashes, four of whom had damaged bones. However, in a horrific event that occurred in Gangakhed Naka, Maharashtra, on December 29, 32-year-old Kundlik Uttam Kale is accused of setting his wife, Maina, on fire following a fight about her giving birth to their third daughter. During a fight, Kale doused her in gasoline and started the fire. The defendant had been taken into custody. In a similar vein, a mother of six was severely injured when her husband viciously lit her on fire in Niriang Village, Meghalaya’s West Jaintia Hills, earlier this month.