Sundar Pichai’s email to employees on Israel-Hamas war

Sundar Pichai contacted every Google employee in a company-wide email hours after Hamas launched an attack on Israel on Saturday. He said the company has reached out to all employees working or traveling to Israel and will continue to support them. Full text of email accessed by ‘9 to 5 Google’.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai reiterated the sentiment expressed in his email in a post shared on X this morning. Lamenting the increasing clashes, he said the company’s priority was to ensure the safety of workers.

“Google has 2 offices and over 2,000 employees in Israel. It’s unimaginable what they’re experiencing. Our immediate focus since Saturday has been on employee safety,” he wrote. “We’ve now made contact with all of our local employees, and will continue supporting them. We’re also working to provide reliable, accurate information to people through our products, as well as sharing the cyber activity that our experts are seeing.”

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