Solidaridad reports Oil palm is sustainable and can aid small farm holders in NE

Consuming around 13% of the total global oil palm production, India is the world’s largest importer and 2nd largest consumer of Oil Palm amounting USD 10.17 BN in 2021-22 to the country’s exchequer. The Mega Oil Palm Plantation Drive earlier this month across the country was aimed to create awareness and increase area under Oil Palm cultivation so as to decrease the import expenditure in the coming years.

Solidaridad Network is a global organization that runs sustainable oil palm programs, particularly for small farmholders. It has also contributed to India’s development of sustainable palm oil standards, IPOS, which aims to implement the government’s ambitious Oil Palm Mission, National Mission on Edible Oil-Oil palm (NMEO-OP), promoting oil palm cultivation for Atmanirbhar.

The Indian Institute of Oil Palm Research (IIOPR) reports that oil palm plantations require less water and have the potential to protect soil erosion and conserve moisture. Dr. Suresh Motwani, Veg Oil Program Head – India, Solidaridad Network said, “Without touching any forest cover, around 9 lakh of potential area is available and suitable in the North East for oil palm plantation.”

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