Signify has illuminated43 villages in Majuli Island

To improve community safety, Signify (Euronext: LIGHT), a global leader in lighting, installed solar street lights in 43 communities on Majuli Island in Assam. Part of the company’s Har Gaon Roshan CSR program, which focuses on sustainable rural development, is the initiative in collaboration with Evangelical Social Action Forum (ESAF).

Majuli is one of the biggest river islands in the world, home to several ethnic groups and a natural habitat for plants and animals. However, the Brahmaputra River’s floods during the monsoon season have rendered it unreachable.

To address this and make the streets safer for the citizens after dark, Signify and ESAF partnered to install 100 solar-powered streetlights and give away 2,000 portable solar lamps to homes to households for indoor lighting, replacing the kerosene lamps that left harmful fumes. According to the project estimates, more than 32,000 people living on the island will benefit from this initiative. Shri Bhuban Gam, MLA- Majuli constituency, said, “The welfare of our people is of utmost importance to us. We appreciate Signify’s efforts towards enhancing the safety of the local people.”

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