The story of Shanyo Horam, a young lady belonging to a small village in Manipur consisting of only 33 houses, is a shining example of perseverance, faith, and determination. Being the eldest sister in her house, this young lady experienced poverty and very limited opportunities in life. Born into humble beginnings, she shouldered immense responsibilities, mainly supporting her sibling’s education and their dreams.
In 2003, Shanyo moved to Bangalore to create a better future for her family. She worked in the travel industry for three years but realized the limitations of a salaried job prevented her from achieving financial freedom. In 2011, she returned to her village to recharge and met a Swedish holistic wellbeing brand.
Shanyo Horam, a Diamond Director with Oriflame, has transformed from a shy, inexperienced individual into a confident and inspiring leader. She mentors entrepreneurs from various backgrounds and has traveled to over 15 countries with her husband. Shanyo now owns a home, a car, and a stable life for her family. Oriflame has been a support system, unlocking her potential and building confidence. Her story demonstrates that dreams can change lives with passion and dedication.