Samsung announces winners of ‘Solve for Tomorrow 2024’ competition

Samsung India has announced the winners of its flagship national education and innovation initiative, ‘Solve for Tomorrow 2024’. Team Eco Tech Innovator from Golaghat, Assam, claimed the Community Champion award in the School Track for their solution to ensure equitable access to potable water, receiving a grant of INR 25 lakh. Meanwhile, Team METAL from Udupi, Karnataka, was honored as the Environment Champion in the Youth Track for developing technology to remove arsenic from groundwater, earning a grant of INR 50 lakh for incubation at IIT-Delhi.

The competition also awarded Goodwill Awards to two teams from both tracks, each receiving INR 1 lakh. The Social Media Champion Award went to two additional teams, who each received INR 50,000 for their online engagement efforts.

Each of the ten finalist teams received INR 1 lakh and certificates for their innovative proposals addressing community and environmental issues. Participants presented their ideas under the themes of ‘Community and Inclusion’ and ‘Environment and Sustainability’, highlighting the program’s commitment to empowering young minds across India to tackle real-world challenges through innovative technology.