Recently members of the East Bengal Club have embarked on a noble initiative to provide water to passers-by amidst the sweltering summer heat

In a commendable display of compassion, recently members of the East Bengal Club have embarked on a noble initiative to provide water to passers-by amidst the sweltering summer heat. In fact recognizing the plight of the common people enduring the scorching temperatures, members of the East Bengal Club distributed bottles of drinking water to passers-by on Saturday, offering much-needed relief from the oppressive weather conditions. The humanitarian endeavor, bearing the message ‘Manusher Saath Manusher Passe’ (Standing by People, Beside People), has been actually undertaken by the East Bengal Club across West Bengal. On this day, members and supporters of the club took to the streets of Siliguri to distribute water bottles to those in need.

Actually the distribution of drinking water bottles commenced at prominent locations such as East Bengal Lane, Hospital More, and Hashmi Chowk. Anup Basu, a member of the East Bengal Club, affirmed that the decision to provide free water service was actually driven by the club’s commitment to serving the community during these challenging times. Amidst rising temperatures and escalating heatwaves, the East Bengal Club’s initiative serves as a beacon of hope and support for individuals navigating the blistering summer conditions. Actually their selfless act of kindness is a testament to the spirit of solidarity and compassion that resonates within the community.