Presently repair work on the crucial Umiam bridge is under way and is likely to go on for some more months

The repair work on the crucial Umiam bridge is currently under way and is likely to go on for some more months, but despite directives and deployment of personnel to regulate traffic, there seems to be no respite from traffic jams. This Monday evening vehicles were stuck on the stretch for more than an hour. In spite officially being directed to refrain from overtaking on the bridge, many vehicles continue to overtake others further compounding the situation. In fact people who had their trains and flights to catch in Guwahati were also stuck in the jam.

It may be mentioned that the repair work on the bridge is actually expected to take around 4 months. Notwithstanding the vexatious traffic snarls, the police personnel also seem to be doing their job with vigour as many of them could be seen patrolling on bikes to ensure that there is no overtaking on the stretch which could further worsen the situation. In reality notices were also placed on the road asking people not to overtake. However, there were some who often threw caution to the wind.

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