Northeast film ‘Bohag Bohag Mon’ wins award

Short film ‘Bohag Bohag Mon’ directed by Parthasarathi Mahanta and produced by Mina Mahanta and Debajit Bhuyan begs award for best short film in the category of Environment and Culture.

National Film Development Cooperation campus was held in Mumbai.

‘Bohag Bohag Mon’ is a lyrical presentation of the syncretic relationship between nature and human especially portraying the emotions associated with Bohag (the first month of the Assamese calendar) and its colourful celebrations by the Assamese.

Another film by the same team, ‘Lachit the Warrior,’ received the Jury Special Category award. The biopic poem presented in evocative animation is based on the legendary Assamese General Lachit Barphukan, who defeated the mighty Mughal army.

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