Narendra Modi said AI has both positive and negative impacts

Recently speaking at the Global Partnership on AI Summit, PM Narendra Modi said AI has both positive and negative impacts. He said it can become the biggest tool in development of 21st century, but it can also play the biggest role in destroying 21st century. “If terrorist organization gets their hands on AI weapons, it will threaten global security,” he also added.  Actually it is very right as today everyone is talking about AI and how it can destroy 21st century.

Today AI is very advance and from it machine can perform many functions. If you see people can get many advantages from AI but it can also be very dangerous. Actually if AI gets to some wrong person hand then huge disaster can happen from it. People need to learn how to use AI so that they can use it correctly. In reality technology is getting advanced in very fast pace and the important thing is for human to adjust in it to get correct result.

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