The Expert Committee on State Reservation Policy is in the process of compiling its report, Meghalaya Chief Secretary Donald P Wahlang said on Tuesday.“I am not privy to any information to know how long the committee will take to complete the report,” he said. He also said that the committee had a meeting last week in Delhi to discuss and deliberate on the findings of their tour across Meghalaya. Wahlang said the committee, which has already held meetings in Shillong, Jowai and Garo Hills, is mandated to review the state reservation policy by obtaining the views of all stakeholders.
The committee is headed by Justice (retd) Mool Chand Garg as the chairman with Justice (retd) Dr Satish Chandra, Prof DV Kumar, Prof Chander Shekhar and Prof Subhadip Mukherjee as members. The 1972 job reservation policy awards 40 per cent jobs to Garos, 40 per cent to Khasi-Jaintia tribes, 5 per cent to other tribes and 15 per cent to general category candidates. According to the 2011 census, over 14.1 lakh Khasis live in Meghalaya while the number of Garo people is a little over 8.21 lakh.