Managing liver health and boosting energy

World Liver Day falls in April. and it’s a good time to step back, and understand how liver processes everything we ent and drink, Filters out unwanted substances and supplies the body withenergy. It’sresponsible for around 500 essential functions. Simply put, it helps keep the body running. When the liver doesn’t function properly, the body struggles. For people with chronic liver disease, the liver is less able to complete vital functions. This can cause symptoms that impact everyday life.Chronic liver disease is morecom.monthan we might think and it’s on the rise. It affects almostone in five people globally. In India too, one in every five persons is affected by this condition Dr. Jejoe Karankumar, Medical Director, Abbott India commented. “It’s important to detect liver disease early so it can be managed well.

This is also vital given the rapidly growing number of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease cases. Timely diamos is carnguide treatment and lifestyle decisions, which can help people living with the condition better understand and address symptoms, including fatigue.” Dr.BhaskarBikash Pal, Sr. Consultant Gastroenterologist, Peerless Hospital, Kolkata said, “Chronic liver disease can have a significant impact on people’s well-being. Some of the symptoms are visible, lüke yellowing of the skin or eye whites, also known as jaundice.

Other symptoms suchas persistent fatigue and wenkness are less visible, but that doesn’t make them any less debilitating. It’s important for people with chronic liver disease to identify their condition and understand the lifestyle changes they can make andany treatment they may need to improvetheir symptoms.” With regular checks, a doctor can detect early signs of liver health related problems and advise on treatment accordingly There are many ways in which your doctor can help you addressfatigue, like advising yonon how to improve your sleep environment to boost energy.

Here are 7 simple actions to promote your liver health and energize your body:

  1. Eat nutritious, well-rounded meals. Exclude foods with unhealthy fat, including processed foods, which can prevent additional fat build-up in your liver.
  2. Reduce salt and sugar, as too much of these can damage your liver.
  3. Drink enough water.
  4. Consuming coffee can also reduce the risk of some types of liver disease., However, as there is no clear evidence of the right amount of coffee good for your liver, it should be consumed in moderation or after consultation with the doctor.
  5. Maintain a healthy weight.
  6. Avoid alcohol consumption, especially if you already have a form of liver disease.,
  7. Try pacing and prioritizing essential tasks – this can help you allocate energy better throughout the day without becoming overwhelmed.