Make homemade ‘scrub’ at low cost, skin will be healthy

Washing your face daily with facewash is fine, but are you regularly ‘face scrubbing’? If you do not ‘scrub’, however, the dust and dirt will not be removed from the upper layer of the skin. The skin will not be soft and flaky. As the layer of dead cells accumulates, the skin will become lifeless at some point. So it is very important to ‘exfoliate’ or ‘scrub’ every two days to keep the skin healthy. For that, you don’t have to spend a lot of money going to Salo. Make a homemade scrub at home. You will be surprised to know that many discarded items can be used to make excellent scrubs.

Mix coconut flakes with honey: Do not throw away the scraps that remain after churning the coconut milk. That residue will be very useful. You can make a scrub with honey not only on the face but also on the whole body. The dark spots will disappear very soon.

A mixture of honey with sugar and lemon: Mix lemon juice, essential oil, and honey with the sugar you have at home. Scrub with an old, unused lemon peel. But you can use this scrub not on the face but on the hands and feet.

Ripe banana scrub with coffee : Many of you will find many coffee packets lying around the house that have not been consumed. Or the coffee residue has solidified under the dew. Repeat that. Grind a ripe banana with it. Overripe or blackened bananas can also be used. It can be a very good-quality ‘body scrub’. And coffee is a very good ingredient for the skin. It contains caffeine. Which helps to increase skin elasticity.

A sprinkling of discarded vegetables and a pinch of gram flour: Take slices of cucumber, potato, or tomato. Add a little honey. And mix in a pinch of gram flour. Use this time as a scrub on the face, hands, and feet. When dry, rub lightly. You can use this scrub to remove oil and blackheads accumulated in the open pores of the skin.

Don’t feel like eating oats?
If you don’t like eating oats, rub them in your mouth without wasting them. Mix a few spoons of oats with honey and rose water. Now scrub with it. This scrub is especially good for those with oily skin.