The Kutumba Surakshya Parishad (KSP), an Assam-based Hindu organization, confirmed that there is no restriction on worshipping the Shivling at Meghalaya’s Mawjymbuin Cave in Mawsynram. Following a stakeholder meeting at the East Khasi Hills Deputy Commissioner’s office, KSP President Satya Ranjan Borah stated that daily visiting hours from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. have been established, with special arrangements planned for Shravan.
Environmental safeguards will be enforced, including restrictions on smoke-generating items within the cave.”There is no ban on worshipping the Shivling,” emphasized the official statement, adding that the measures aim to preserve the site’s sanctity and environment.
KSP also submitted a formal letter to Chief Minister Conrad K. Sangma through the Deputy Commissioner, proposing management guidelines such as regulated worship practices, environmental protections, and using offerings to aid the needy. The letter reaffirmed KSP’s commitment to protecting constitutional rights and Meghalaya’s cultural heritage.