KHLC and Heartnet India Collaborate to Enhance Cardiac Care in Eastern India

In response to a recent surge in heart attack cases among younger individuals in India, Heartnet India , provider of Asaan, an IoT-based cardiac care  solution, aimed at transforming the landscape of cardiac healthcare and Kolkata Heart Lung Centre (KHLC), operating as a 24/7 healthcare provider in Kolkata since 2021 and pioneering in delivering exceptional healthcare service, have come together in a strategic partnership to elevate cardiac healthcare services in West Bengal and Eastern India. This partnership is aimed at providing advanced cardiac care and infrastructure while focusing on the prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the region.

Recent data shows a rise in cardiovascular disease among younger adults aged 30 to 45, a shift from older individuals. Eastern India has a higher incidence of cardiac cases, emphasizing the need for dedicated efforts in CVD prevention and intervention. Dr Sunip Banerjee, Founder-CEO & Chief Cardiologist of KHLC, says “Our recent association with Heartnet India will help us reach masses and spread awareness regarding CVD, guide through preventive measures and provide quality healthcare services at an affordable cost.”

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