In Naxalbari a young boy lost his life after drowning while bathing in a pond

In a tragic turn of events, a young boy recently lost his life after drowning while bathing in a pond in Naxalbari. Actually the deceased, identified as Sayan Pal, was a fifth-grade student from Madhya Kotia Jote in Naxalbari. As per reports, the unfortunate incident unfolded on Tuesday morning when Sayan, accompanied by his friends, decided to bathe in a pond near the Naxalbari Ashram and accidentally drowned. Meanwhile, his friends immediately alerted his family members about it.

The family rushed to the scene and actually managed to rescue Sayan from the pond. After this the boy was transported to the Naxalbari Hospital where doctors pronounced him deceased. Later, the police transferred the body to North Bengal Medical College and Hospital (NBMCH) for post-a mortem examination. Actually the entire incident has cast a shadow of grief on the area. This is actually very sad incident and people need to take it very seriously so that they get cautious about it by taking right step of safety.