Importance of absorbing right nutrients to support your child’s growth

Parents around the world share a universal concern for their children’s growth, particularly tracking the child’s key milestones such as height and weight. Childhood marks a phase of swift growth, and when they fall behind, it sparks concerns and anxieties amongst parents. This lag in growth can be linked to various lifestyle factors including dietary habits, and physical activity, manifesting in forms of malnutrition including stunting (low height-for-age), underweight (low weight-for-age) and wasting (low weight-for-height).

As perWorld Health Organization 2022 report, 149 million children under 5 years of age were too short for their age.India accounts for nearly one-third of the global childhood stunting burden with 40.6 million children stunted under the age of five. Nutritional supplements can help children absorb up to 50% of essential nutrients like calcium, iron, and zinc from their diet, bridging nutritional gaps and enhancing the absorption of these nutrients from regular food consumption. Dr. Subhasis Roy, MBBS, DCH, MD (Ped), Consultant Pediatrician, Columbia Asia Hospital says, “According to the state level NFHS report 2019 2020, while 33.8 percent of the children under the age of 5 are stunted 69 percent children are anaemic.

Hence, parents should provide a mix of balanced diet that ensures children receive necessary protein, vitamins, and minerals for healthy holistic growth.”

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