Concern has been raised among the community following the unexplained death of Pushpa Chhetri, a young lady in Siliguri’s Bhanu Nagar neighborhood. Pushpa Chhetri had been living in a Bhanu Nagar rental home. Two people, one of whom was a woman, reportedly went to Pushpa’s house on Friday afternoon and discovered her dead corpse with a slash in her throat. The incident was reported to the Bhaktinagar police station right away. The Bhaktinagar police station’s IC and other staff members responded to the spot after learning of the incident, retrieved the corpse, and submitted it for autopsy. According to local sources, Pushpa has been residing in her leased home in Bhanu Nagar and working in Siliguri for the past few months. Her death’s precise cause is still unknown. Although the authorities first suspect murder, the reason for her death is still unknown. The crime is being investigated by the Bhaktinagar police station.
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