Government of Meghalaya and Terumo Blood and Cell Technologies objective is to foster a cultural shift in Ri-Bhoi District, encouraging voluntary blood donation

The Government of Meghalaya and Terumo Blood and Cell Technologies have launched a campaign to increase voluntary blood donation in Ri-Bhoi District. The campaign was inaugurated by the Health Minister, who has unveiled a dedicated number +91 99539 7533 to register as a voluntary blood donor.

The campaign aims to foster a cultural shift in Ri-Bhoi District by encouraging voluntary blood donation as a noble act that can save lives. Through technology and awareness strategies, the Government of Meghalaya and Terumo Blood and Cell Technologies aim to dispel misconceptions, mobilize participation, and empower the local community to save lives through blood donation.

 A highlight of the campaign launch was the release of a multi-lingual comic book aims to engage and educate people of all ages about voluntary blood donation. The Health Minister of Meghalaya, Dr. Mazel Ampareen Lyngdoh, said, “Behavioral change campaigns have proven to be incredibly effective in driving positive societal transformations. I firmly believe that implementing such a campaign may significantly alter the mindset and behavior of the residents of Ri-Bhoi, encouraging them to engage in regular, voluntary blood donation.”

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