Educational qualification of candidates in 7th phase of Lok Sabha elections are shown by a list released by Association for Democratic Reforms

Recently a list released by Association for Democratic Reforms shows educational qualification of candidates in 7th phase of Lok Sabha elections. In fact as per the list, 24 candidates are illiterate, 31 are 5th pass, 8th pass (62), 10th pass (133), 12th pass (176) and graduate (164). Actually 159 candidates are post graduates, 24 have a doctorate and two haven’t declared their qualification. Today getting education is very important for everyone to get success in life.

Right now elections are going on in India and people are very serious about it as they want right candidate to win. As we know that India is very big country and having huge population. For this reason conducting election in India is very difficult and it takes huge work. If you see people in India generally want educated person for their vote as they find it good in every way. In reality today having good education is actually a good sign and generally people like educated person.