Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh has reiterated his government’s commitment to equitable development, asserting that no discrimination exists between the state’s hill and valley districts under the BJP-led administration. Addressing a sports event at Riha village in Kamjong district on January 21, Singh emphasized the importance of unity and mutual respect among communities.“The BJP-led government does not differentiate between hills and valley in allotting development projects. We believe in inclusive development. When we show respect for one another, the bond of unity will be stronger,” the chief minister stated.
Singh’s remarks come against the backdrop of ethnic tensions between the Meitei and Kuki communities, which have plagued the state since May 2023, leaving over 250 dead and thousands displaced. Highlighting major developmental projects in Kamjong, Singh announced that a mini secretariat has been completed and will soon be inaugurated. Additionally, two schools in the district are set for upgrades, and the construction of 33/11 KV sub-stations is underway. A bridge over the Maklang River has also been sanctioned, and a District Transport Office (DTO) will open in Kamjong shortly.
The chief minister also spotlighted projects in neighboring Ukhrul district, including the recently completed astroturf football ground and gallery at the Ukhrul Sports Complex. Pettigrew College in Ukhrul is set to be upgraded with a sanctioned budget of ₹70 crore. To address water scarcity in Ukhrul, a dam has been constructed at Shiroy Hill, with ₹6 crore allocated for the project. Singh further pledged ₹2.5 crore for constructing a gallery at Lungreiphung ground in Riha village.