Chief Minister N Biren Singh has launched a scathing attack on the Congress, accusing its two Lok Sabha MPs from Manipur of failing to address the state’s critical issues in Parliament. Speaking at the Samvidhan Gaurav Abhiyan event in Imphal, Singh alleged that the BJP is the only party capable of preserving Manipur’s unity and stability. Singh claimed that the people’s decision to vote for Congress in the Lok Sabha elections was driven by a “sudden emotional outburst.” However, he questioned the MPs’ performance, citing their silence on issues like border fencing, the Free Movement Regime (FMR), and illegal immigration.
“The two MPs have not raised a single word on the state’s core issues in Parliament. At a time when many have been killed and displaced, why were votes given to them? What are they doing now?” Singh questioned, addressing the gathering in Manipuri. He also criticized the Congress for failing to clarify its stance on former Union Minister P Chidambaram’s controversial suggestion to grant regional autonomy to Manipur’s three major communities, a statement later deleted from social media. Singh accused Congress of ignoring the state’s demographic challenges and security concerns, claiming it was under their regime that the Suspension of Operations (SoO) agreement with external groups was signed.
“The BJP has saved Manipur. Without the BJP at the Centre, the state would disintegrate,” Singh asserted. He emphasized that the BJP’s leadership is essential for safeguarding Manipur’s territorial integrity and addressing its socio-political challenges. The event was part of the BJP’s 15-day campaign to commemorate 75 years of the Constitution, underscoring the party’s commitment to national unity and governance.