Axis Mutual Fund, a leading name in India’s financial sector, has inaugurated its newest branch in Bhagalpur, Bihar, furthering its mission to provide accessible investment solutions and empower local investors. Located at Angar Complex, Ground Floor, Patel Babu Road, the branch was inaugurated by Mr. Santosh Singh, RRBH, East and South, Axis Mutual Fund. This new facility will cater to a wide range of investor needs, including KYC processing, statement generation, and personalized financial guidance through dedicated Relationship Managers.
Bhagalpur, known for its thriving market and entrepreneurial spirit, presents a significant opportunity for Axis Mutual Fund to tap into a growing pool of retail and institutional investors. The company aims to bridge the gap in financial literacy and accessibility by offering tailored solutions that align with the unique needs of the region’s investors.
Commenting on the launch, Mr. Rohit Mattoo, National Head – Retail Sales, Axis Mutual Fund, said, “The Bhagalpur branch is a crucial step in our journey to enhance financial inclusion. We are committed to supporting local investors and distributors with high-quality financial products and personalized services.” With this expansion, Axis Mutual Fund reinforces its commitment to empowering communities across India, ensuring every investor has the tools and guidance needed to achieve long-term financial success.