As per 2024 World Happiness Report which are the world’s happiest countries

Recently Finland remained the world’s happiest country for a seventh straight year in an annual UN-sponsored 2024 World Happiness Report. Actually Finland was followed by Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, Israel, Netherlands, Norway, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, Costa Rica, Kuwait, Austria, Canada, Belgium, Ireland, Czechia, Lithuania and the UK. In fact India ranked 126th, the same as last year, in the list. Today happiness is very important criteria for any place and it actually defines how well people live there.

Today India is developing in very fast pace and with it we need to take care of many things like happiness of the people. In fact ranking of India in this list is not good and we need to change it for the betterment of people in India. India is among the major economy of the world and it has lots of importance in the world. In reality all countries which lead this list are well developed countries and we need to learn from them so that India becomes better.

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