Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma announced on Thursday that at least 220 illegal “rat hole” coal mines had been found in the vicinity of the flooded mine at Umrangso in the Dima Hasao district of Assam, where nine workers were trapped on January 6. Following a cabinet meeting in the Morigaon district of central Assam, Sarma informed reporters that the government would examine satellite data on how and when these mines arose in order to take the appropriate action. According to a report submitted by the district administration of Dima Hasao, many animals also perished after falling into these open coal mines.
“These mines were discovered when the incident’s cause was being investigated. Since many animals are dying as a result of these mines, the government now intends to enlist the Central Mine Planning and Design Institute’s assistance in plugging them. However, this will be a difficult job,” Sarma stated. “Experts estimate that there are approximately 14 crore liters of water in the well, of which approximately four crore liters have been cleaned out. The Cabinet was informed by our officials today that it could take up to 60 days to dewater the well.” The CM declared that the families of the nine employees will each get an ex-gratia payment of Rs. 10 lakh.