AMWJU urges respect for local media amid conflict

The All Manipur Working Journalists’ Union (AMWJU) and Editors Guild of Manipur (EGM) have strongly condemned remarks made by Lt. General P.C. Nair, former Director General of Assam Rifles, regarding media coverage during the ongoing Manipur crisis. In a recent interview, Lt. Gen. Nair questioned the accuracy of both national and local media reporting on the conflict, drawing sharp criticism from journalists in the region.

The AMWJU and EGM expressed dismay at the General’s comments, emphasizing that the local media has been working under difficult conditions to present a balanced and truthful narrative. They urged Lt. Gen. Nair to consider local civilian perspectives, including input from journalists, before forming conclusions based on limited narratives.

While Lt. Gen. Nair acknowledged the local media’s efforts to avoid spreading misleading content, his claims that weaponized drones and rockets had not been used in the conflict were challenged. Journalists pointed to several instances where crude rockets were fired, including in Oksungbung on August 10 and in Moirang on September 6.