A strong 35-member U-17 softball team left Imphal for the 67th National School Games (NSG) Softball

Recently a strong 35-member U-17 softball team including three officials left Imphal today for the 67th National School Games (NSG) Softball beginning in Bikaner, Rajasthan from January 10.

The athletes representing the State include:

Boys : L Manithoiba, S Joyngamba, U Pari, K Telheiba, S Bishes, Ch Robart, N Anand, S Subhas, K Jemson, M Naocha, E Rohit, K Sanathoi, P Resllick, Y Menish, Arbin Heikham and H Prithibiraj;

Girls : Shilshi Wahengbam, Phurailatpam Dipali, Bandana Takhellambam, Shimswini Maibam, Aheibam Ritika, Piyainu Sagolshem, Riya Shahi, Meikam Inunganbi, Konsam Shivangi, Rupashree Thangjam, Aheibam Rameshini, Khoirom Jubiliya, Christy Chongtham, Khwairakpam Onika, Luxmi Leiphrakpam and Hijam Bhumika.

The teams were led by PET N Shushila as manager and PET Ph Thoibi and PET K Bina as coaches. The event will run till January 15. Actually this is very good news as athletes is getting this type of platform to showcase their talent and in relity they will play hard to make their state proud. In fact this is the best time to give their best and become a successful athlete.

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